*Originally an Exclusive feature as part of our former affiliation with Reality Sandwich/Evolver EDM (March 2019).

In celebration of Scarlet Crow’s new ‘Remembrance Remixes’ album releasing on March 14th, Keyframe chatted with the team and selected to feature the Bone Shaman Woman Remix by Kalya Scintilla. Read on for more info and the interview below!

Witch Folk-Duo Scarlet Crow (MAMA CROW and Marya Stark) have collaborated with 16 producers to celebrate their debut album ‘Remembrance’ with a fresh collection of elegant and dynamic remixes. Just in time for the summer festival season, this diverse array of electronic soundscapes reimagines the etheric storytelling of these two bards, integrating the medicine of eclectic world fusion productions with their soulful poems, giving this enchanting record brand new life.

May the original beauty of these songs and the prayer seeded throughout this album expand and continue working its magic on the dance floor.

The collection features: Kalya Scintilla, saQi, KR3TURE, Entheo, Pangani, Emerald Dragonfly, DandyRyder, Dissølv, Eric Oberthaler, Subaqueous, B-Riddimz (Brandon Lewis), Ra So, BuddhaBee BlondeOnyx, SOULESTIAL (Kevin Njikam), Lo.Renzo, and psydraft.

To purchase the remix album, go to: https://soundcloud.com/scarletcrow

Visit the website: www.scarletcrow.org

Cover art photography: Tessa Shields and Julia Miho Nakamura


What was the inspiration for Bone Shaman Woman?

‘Bone Shaman Woman’ was written by Marya in 2015 after Scarlet Crow’s Remembrance Tour. Inspired by the beauty of our friend Laurel Kitten’s powerful movement and embodied dancing, this song came as a vision and prayer to return to the heartbeat of ancestral wisdom and healing. This song is a call to invoke the power of reconnecting to primal intelligence as an offering to clear the noise of modernity and the disconnection from the body. To allow the mystery to move through our being uninhibited. To shake us loose of all that we have accumulated that is no longer ours to hold. To allow the wild one in us to be honored and expressed in a healthy way.

How did the remix with Kalya Scintilla come about?

We are so fortunate to have Kalya Scintilla as our co-producer for Remembrance.  ‘Bone Shaman Woman’ had originally been co-produced with David Earl, and so Yaegon added his flavor, but most of the song was already in place by the time we dove into our co-creation process. When the remix album idea came about, it felt natural for this song to be reimagined with Kalya Scintilla’s powerful tribal dance magic. His particular genius lines up with the intent and texture of this song and is an awesome fit for the bigger mythos of what he and Eve Olution are bringing through. Both Carmen and Marya have worked closely with Eve in Evokation, and performed in collaboration with Kalya Scintilla for several shows in 2017. Much of the work of that performance troup explores the art of embodiment and ritual theater, while honoring the wisdom of the body. Eve mentioned wanting to create a remix of this track for their wider performances, as it lines up with the bigger message that came through the story of the character in the song. And so here we are.

What upcoming projects are on the horizon?

Both Marya and Carmen have solo recordings and video projects underway to share in the coming cycles.

To purchase the remix album, go to: https://soundcloud.com/scarletcrow/sets/remembrance-remixes

Scarlet Crow website

Scarlet Crow on Facebook